
best friend poems for girls

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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Feb 7, 06:37 PM
    Yeah I had my computer shut down for the weekend but it's back up and running right now. I lost out on over 100K+ :(.

    I might build another computer as I have a i7 920 laying around and maybe I can run another bigadv client. I'm also looking to purchase a home soon so I may be in a out a bit while I get re-situated into my new place. I also can't be spending too much on computer goodies :D

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  • arkitect
    Apr 28, 06:05 AM
    You should see the bruised ego when a gay man tells a straight man he's not attracted to him. Trust me, that one stings. For some reason, straight guys think we all think they're hot or something
    What is up with that? :)
    I have yet to meet one straight male who is attracted to each and every woman he sees. Yet gay men are assumed to be raving predators who would have it off with every male they meet.

    Most of you have nothing to worry about.
    Oh, this reminds me. The plumber is coming around this afternoon to check the shower�
    [That's a joke, BTW. ;)]

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  • redAPPLE
    Oct 22, 06:49 AM
    yeah, i heard of that...

    i think they mentioned it on the same sentence, when they mentioned iWalk.

    right guys?

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  • T-Will
    Apr 7, 12:22 PM
    Apple should quit wasting time trying to block jailbreak and work on adding features that other phones have had for many years and that users have been screaming for since the iPhone 1 was released.


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  • skunk
    May 6, 01:47 PM
    No offence but I think your failing to see the disconnect between my personal position and my historical/political observations.No offence, but if you have two simultaneous positions which are in conflict, you need to make a choice. :)

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  • temiller
    Dec 25, 01:37 PM
    $125 gift card to go towards Apple Keyboard, Magic Mouse, Mini DP - HDMI, and HDMi Cable
    3 $25 BP Gift cards (Used one already.. Whoops)
    $50 American Eagle Gift Card
    And so I had something to unwrap, Black and Decker Ratcheting ReadyWrench.


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  • Moyank24
    Feb 9, 12:10 PM
    This feature is long overdue, but better late than never I guess.

    I think I can get used to this competition thing! Now I will wait patiently for my mobile hotspot.

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  • manimalfully
    Apr 4, 04:24 PM
    Are ipod touch 4g users supposed to use pwnage tool at all?

    We're only supposed to use redsn0w right?

    Also, my ipod touch 4g is at ios 4.3.
    Do I have to upgrade to 4.3.1 and then install redsn0w and jailbreak it?

    Finally, if you've jailbroken with it, HOWS IT WORKING OUT?:)


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  • metooplease
    Oct 31, 12:04 PM
    i think we'll see a trend where people start clipping the suffle on something and then take pictures of the ipod shuffle attached to.

    like... the most expensive driving mp3 player on earth, ipod shuffle clipped on the antenna of a ferrari..
    or you've got a living mp3 player-pet: your ipod shuffle clipped at your dogs ear ;)

    there should be a website for that... and if you're putting a bunch of google ads on it and start making it popular.. you could probably buy 200 ipod shuffles after a month =)

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 12, 07:24 PM
    Been there since July 2009. Still some hours to go.


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  • Slix
    Apr 27, 04:30 PM
    Nicely done Steve and Scott. I liked the last line Steve said.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    You were modded down cause you're talking crap. HTH.

    Samsung know they are in trouble with the Apple suits, and rightly so. But instead of just defending the suit against them, they are making stuff up to get back at Apple.

    What it is, is childish.

    you really should go look up how it works before you start insulting us.

    I was not talking crap. That little tid pit I put in about the filing only if getting pissed off and sued came form our resident patent lawyer on these boards who explain why many times you only see law suits after they get sued. They go into the file if sued by so and so bring these up.
    That is why many of these patents are filed away and never really sued unless antoher company starts pissing you off or acting childish like Apple. It gives you more leverage to use against them in their lawsuit against you.

    I do find it funny. Fanboys cheered when Apple sued Samsung but Samsung responds and now called Samsung childish.
    Fanboys call Kodak pantint trolls when they sued apple.
    Fanboys cheer when Apple sued Nokia but booed about Nokia sueing apple.
    Noticed a pattern there.


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  • ThaDoggg
    May 5, 07:15 PM
    I'm drooling over some of the Corrado pics that were posted. I've always loved those cars. I believe to this day they still look modern.

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Jan 10, 07:15 PM
    The Passat's headlights look like the Accord's...




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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 31, 11:01 AM
    I'm excited.

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  • turleymuller
    Mar 25, 11:29 AM
    I think google has a lock on the map thing. I can't see apple employees driving around remapping the world to get their own data base

    Apple already has its own database. It dropped Google's location services with release of iOS 4.


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  • Diatribe
    Sep 27, 07:31 AM
    Well, I have excellent news. .Mac is down! Maybe they are going live with the new mail today along with some other goodies.

    It still shows all .Mac services online and operational for me...

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  • Kyffin
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    Damn! very fine gift sir! (I wanted my two front teeth but have yet some saving up to do & a health tourism trip abroad on that one)


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  • NinjaHERO
    Feb 9, 12:26 PM
    And this is why we wanted competition Mr Jobs. They battle and we all win.

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 07:30 PM
    Am I going to have .mac, .me and .icloud email addresses now?

    Hehe.. maybe?

    I stuck with the dotmac addresses when the service became MobileMe, but I think I can use both.

    My MobileME renews in a few weeks. I hope I don't get nailed twice, once for the renewal and again for the upgrade.

    Feb 1, 03:10 PM
    One of several in rotation. I use SnowTunes for the dark menubar (among other things), DarkDock for the dark dock :p, and Float for the indicators. Bowtie provides the album artwork, and I have a matching Adium theme that I just hid so I didn't have to go in and blur out the names.



    Sep 4, 11:58 PM
    Simple yet clean.

    Bubba Satori
    Nov 16, 03:25 PM
    Apple can string on the consumer market, holding back features which their competitors have had for years and take for granted, and when they finally add them, they're already out of date. Sprinkle on some 'magic' and consumers eat it up.

    The Professional market use their tools to make money and drive their workflow. If a product/solution like FCS becomes uncompetitive, the customer will move on.

    Apple probably know that they can't compete in this space, at least profitably. Both Shake and Xserve are gone. The Macpro on price/performance is really poor value. And whilst FCS is brilliant value, it never really leaps ahead in terms of added features or optimisation.

    It's possible that Apple in 5 years time will be a purely consumer electronics company, with no 'computers' in the traditional sense in it's line up. If this bears out, Pro Applications and Hardware, don't really figure into that reality.

    Agree with everything except the time frame.
    iApple will debut in two years.
    The iPad Pro 2 will be Apple's last "computer".

    Oct 1, 04:45 AM
    Maybe it's just IBM and Grant Thornton.;)

    no i have thought of another company - my girlfriend starts at the John Lewis Partnership on monday and they use it also! - 3 companies and counting!

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