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  • Pillar
    Sep 1, 08:24 PM

    http://uppix.net/2/8/3/8d80e216336ae2398952d10b5dc14tt.jpg (http://uppix.net/2/8/3/8d80e216336ae2398952d10b5dc14.html)

    woot, i like that wallpaper!

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  • Resist
    Apr 20, 04:19 PM
    Open iTunes, click on your email address in the upper right. Enter your password and click view your account.

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  • marksman
    Apr 27, 06:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    No, that already exists for cydia users...

    Yes. This goes to show you how smart JB users are.. They actually instill apps that disable functionality of their phone.

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  • Jason S.
    Nov 19, 12:28 PM
    The fact that this is for "select" stores, makes me wonder if they are using this to get people in the store. People might visit to see if they have the iPads in stock, and end up leaving with other products. And even if they do have the iPad in stock at certain stores, the profits they receive from the others who were unable to find the iPad but still make a purchase will probably exceed their loss.

    And I'm not talking about TJ Maxx trying to attract the people that would necessarily visit MacRumors. They are most likely trying to target 35-60 year old moms, grandmas, wives, etc. that don't know much about the iPad and would be interested in the other types of products TJ Maxx sells.


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  • Cubemaster13
    May 6, 09:57 PM
    try them yourself and then report back with the answer

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  • Uberglitch
    Oct 19, 06:39 PM


    Like I said, probably more forthcoming. I'll try to swing some for the marvel fans out there :-D


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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 05:25 PM
    And what about the person who is accused of raping a baby and is later exonerated? If they are executed then the state has murdered an innocent person, but if they have life in prison then you can make it right. And locking them up in prison for life does remove them from the world as they are never getting out.

    I think there should be firm standards for capital punishment. There are certain cases where someone is guilty without a doubt. The connecticut incident, arizona killer, etc. There are many cases where the death penalty is appropriate. If it's a crime with no witnesses but a lot of solid proof, the sentence should be life in prison. See, there's ways around all these "whats ifs".

    You need to increase your medication as a matter of urgency.

    Nah, i took my adderal today, does wonders i must say.

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  • webznz
    Apr 26, 10:52 PM
    Hey, I'm not sure how to refer to this.. I think its a string format but thought I would come here to get some help.

    I am wanting to get my user to enter a 20 character string, they will be numbers and I want to after every fifth number to insert a hyphen.. as the person is typing... how can this be done?



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  • jrko
    Apr 16, 04:56 AM
    IMO yes, esp. copper ones.

    I'll look into copper ones. Most seem to be aluminium

    I borrowed a faster Mac, and used that to install to its HDD, I think it mayve had more RAM, then dumped the HD in my trusty eMac and let it boot. It wouldnt boot on 64MB though... I tried that xD

    Ah - I was wondering how you did it. Lateral thinking.....

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    Apr 4, 10:17 PM
    OMG I've never seen so many crybabies in my life...Really crying because a business raised prices...Better not go to wal-mart, they have price increases there all the time:eek::eek:


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  • Love Quotes Tagalog Version.

  • pchan0
    Apr 25, 02:10 PM
    I know, or knew, a few people holding off on the white iPhone 4. But people may hold off until the iPhone 5

    the white iPhone 4 has to at least be faster or have a better camera or something. It cant just be the same phone from a year ago

    ^LOL, yah, people are holding off until the iPhone 8.

    Yes, the white iPhone 4 will be the same phone from a year ago, what makes you think it will be better specs?

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  • redhawk87
    Apr 25, 10:13 AM
    at first glance it seems stupid to come out with a white iPhone 4 this late in the game. But I assume when the iPhone 5 comes out, the iPhone 4 will still be sold at a discounted rate like the iPhone 3GS on AT&T. So coming out with a new color for a phone that will be selling for the next year or two is not too late.


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  • jigsb007
    Apr 28, 05:40 PM
    i have just Upgraded my iphone 4 to 4.3.2 using sn0wbreese..

    then i have instaled lots of apps from cydia and some of the hack sites..

    what i hav noticed , that if i reboot my iphone, it goes to safe mode. then i need to respring the winterboard, after that it works fine.

    is it normal ? any patch ?

    please help

    love quotes tagalog wallpaper. LOVE QUOTES TAGALOG

  • Tymmz
    Oct 5, 04:54 PM
    I was waiting for these features for a long time.

    Great stuff!


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  • Bawstun
    Apr 28, 06:32 PM
    I have Dragon Dictation, and I love it...but you have to open the app each time, then tap more buttons on the screen to insert it into a text message, a twitter update, etc.

    Has anyone come up with a jailbreak extensions that adds the functionality of Dragon Dictation natively to SMS, email etc?

    The one thing I miss from my old Android phone.

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  • simsaladimbamba
    May 6, 06:52 PM
    Don't you have some USB keyboard lying around?
    But I have had no problem accessing boot options with a wireless keyboard and a 2007 iMac.


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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 27, 02:00 PM
    u certainly had time to post a message on this board though

    Yep, this is probably the last forum i contribute to...it's still much easier than having to log into Spymac all the time.

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  • love quotes tagalog version. friendship quotes tagalog; friendship quotes tagalog. nylon. May 5, 02:25 PM. I#39;m really surprised about lack of choice in

  • aristotle
    Apr 21, 12:32 PM
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR you can compare smartphone OSs like what is normally done.
    Dude, could you be any more obvious with an username like that? Get real dude.

    Or we could compare smartphone models where the iPhone models would win again or we could compare actual smartphone brands which would again have Apple beating android brands.

    If you want to compare iOS to Android then you have to include iPod Touches and iPads. They all run iOS and can basically run the same set of iPhone/iPod Touch or universal apps. It is not Apple's problem that almost nobody is making a non-phone android device in the same form factor as the iPod Touch. It is also not Apple's problem that Android tablets have been a flop.

    If you are developer on iOS, you can target iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads with the same app if you choose so they can be consider one platform as far as universal apps are concerned.

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  • opinioncircle
    Apr 1, 02:49 PM
    This has all of them

    Sad to see S.Carell go though...

    Apr 15, 03:41 PM




    Apr 21, 09:40 AM



    Would seriously love this!

    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    don't see the point. are they trying to get companies to sign-up to itunes music store?

    usefull for any of you???

    Apr 11, 08:13 PM
    I am having a question about the shake event. I have developed an application which starts a count-up timer when the shake event begins and stops the timer when the shake event ends. My question is when we try shaking two iPhones catching them in one hand, do both generate the same timer value?
    Any kind of help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Apr 23, 04:12 PM
    Could anyone suggest me a couple of fun multiplayer games that I can play on one iPod or one iPad? Thanks. :apple:

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